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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Comic Book Review: The Flash (2012) Vol. 1 HC

The Flash (2012) Vol. 1 HC

Artist/Co-Author: Manapul, Francis.  
Publisher: DC Comics,
Pub date: 2012

Struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals, Central City Police scientist Barry Allen was transformed into the fastest man alive.

Tapping into the energy field called The Speed Force, he applies a tenacious sense of justice to protect and serve the world as The Flash! The Fastest Man Alive returns to his own series.


One of the few outstanding bright spots in the DC New52 re-launch, the paring of previous Flash series artist, Manapul and colorist Brian Buccellato now mashed together as co-authors as well. The rebooted Flash keeps the legacy grounded with the silver age Barry Allen assuming the role of The Flash from the very beginning, ousting the use of former series hero, Wally West who is nowhere seen in this series. The original Flash, Jay Garrick kicks off his own New 52 series in Earth2, this time as a younger version of himself.

The art is gorgeous with Francis Manpul’s layouts structured in very daunting comic-bookish ways that stands out along with the initial Batwoman series by J.H. Williams. The colors are watercolor-like in presentation and again makes it stand out from other overtly computer-colored comics on the stand.

The storyline though is a bit convoluted with a new protagonist named Mob Deep, who’s initial story line and mystery doesn't really rev up the series and sputters near the end of the arc. The re-imagined Captain Cold though stood out, and hopefully the introduction of the new Rogues will continue the upward spiral of this series.


3 out of 5 MONSTERS 

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