Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Golf Course Review: David L. Baker Golf Center, Fountain Valley, CA- 5/23/07

Comments: Played this course in late 2006 and you do get what you pay for in this center. Thinking this was the opposite of the Garden Grove/Westminster section of Mile Square Park Golf Course (review coming later) I thought this course would be as nice as Mile Square, boy we were wrong.

The course fee is about half of Mile Square but so is the yardage. The course we were at the time had absolutely awful turf, the grass was as dead and yellow as it could come on the fairways the exact opposite of the fence of Mile Square.

I recommend this course only if you get a discount to play it and only for quick games or if Mile Square is fully booked.
  • Total Holes: 18
  • Par: 62
  • Year Opened: 1985
  • Fee: $21-$27
  • Tee Yardage Rating Slope
    Blue 3847 59.8 97
    White 3118 57.5 84
Score: 2.95 out of 5

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