Comments: I thought the movie was so-so, the handling of the Abomination at the end was not thoroughly explained. Once the solider changes he starts thrashing the city and so they have to let Banner take him out?
This one played more of a cat and mouse thriller than the Ang Lee psychological version. Too me it felt more like a beefed up version of the Bruce Bixby show, still I did like some of the homages to the t.v. and comic sources. There are about three main action scenes with the Hulk and only one where he has some problems (the fight with The Abomination monster). There was never a sense of danger for Banner in the movie for me, not even at the end when he throws himself out of a flying helicopter. I do like how the super soldier is shown juicing up to match the Hulk, though adding extra screen time for his character would have been better than the scenes with Banner and Betty Ross which was standard movie fare and didn't add a real romance aspect to the story.
I liked Ang Lee's version for the more insightful dealings with Banner's psyche and where the Hulk comes from in his mind. This 2008 version I dig for the more closely comic book related origin and homages. Gonna have to watch Lee's version again to compare. I do prefer Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly's representation for their character's and Norton's and Tyler's seem comic-lite.
Not as good as Iron Man though, time to see if Dark Knight topples it as the comic movie of 2008.
Score: 2.75 out of 5
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