Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Comic Book Review: D.C. Comics Comic Book Collection Listing- 8/14/07

Always liked D.C. because of the Super Friends cartoon as a kid.

My favorite hero was Green Lantern for some reason, I guess because his ring let you create almost anything as long as the color didn’t bother you.

I wish though that I kept my run of the Death and Return of Superman from this list since I had the whole storyline.

D.C. Listing / Issues

Action Comics 687
Adventures of Superman 501
Artemis: Requiem 1-6
Azrael Annual 1
Batgirl: Special 1
Batman 436-442, 457, 492, 497, 500
Batman: Arkham Asylum TPB
Batman: Haunted Knight TPB
Batman: In Darkest Knight TPB
Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight 16-20
Batman: Mad Love TPB
Batman: Sword of Azrael 1
Batman: Sword of Azrael TPB
Batman: The complete Frank Miller TPB
Batman: The Killing Joke TPB
Black Hawk 2, Missing: 1
Black Lightning 1
Black Orchid TPB
Cosmic Odyssey 1, Missing: 2, 3, 4
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1-12
D.C. Giant Four Star Spectacular 1
Darkstars 1, 2
Day of Judgement 2, 3, 5, Missing: 1, 4
Death: The high cost of living 1-3
Detective Comics 608
Dr. Fate 1987 mini-series 1, 3, 4
Dr. Fate 1989 Annual 1
The Helmet of Fate: Det. Chimp, Zauriel, Ibis, Sargon, Missing: 2
Essential Vertigo: Swamp Thing 12
Final Night 4
Final Night: Parallax 1
Firestorm: 1,3,4,5,18,20,24,25,26,27
Green Arrow (Vol. 2) 0, one million
Green Arrow 1995 Annual 7
Green Arrow: The longbow hunters 1-3
Green Lantern & Green Arrow (Reprints) 1-4, 6, Missing: 5
Green Lantern (Vol. 1) 90, 196
Green Lantern (Vol. 2) 1
Green Lantern (Vol. 3) 0, 46-56, 63, 64, 76, 81, 105, 106, 119, 200
Green Lantern and Silver Surfer TPB
Green Lantern: Dragon Lord 1-3
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn 1-6
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II 1-6
Green Lantern: Silver Age 1
Green Lantern: Special 2
Green Latern: Mosaic 1
Guy Gardner: Reborn 1-3
Guy Gardner: Warrior 18-21
Hawkman (Vol. 1) 13
Hawkman Special 1986 1
Hawkworld Mini Series 1-3
History of the D.C. Universe 1-2
Justice League America 0, 92
Justice League America 1996 Annual 10
Justice League of America (Vol. 1) 61
Justice League: The Nail 1-3
Kingdom Come 1-4
Legends of the D.C. Universe 1, 38
Man of Steel 22
New Teen Titans 60-61
New Teen Titans 1982 Annual 1
Omega Men 3
Resurrection Man 1
Return of Dr. Fate 1
Richard Dragon: Kung-Fu Fighter 1
Robin (Vol. 1) 1
Secret Files & Origins: Day of Judgement 1
Secret Origins 7, 24, 32, 38
Sergio Argones Destroys the D.C. Universe 1
Shade the Changing Man (Vol. 1) 1
Shazam: A new beginning 1-4
Starman (Vol. 2) 1
Superman 78
Superman: Distant Fires TPB
Superman: Man of Steel 1-4, 6, Missing: 5
Tales of the Green Lantern (Tangent) 1
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual 2
Tales of the New Teen Titans 1-4
The Books of Magic TPB
The Flash (Vol. 3) 0, 91-94, 114-116
The Flash 1992 Annual 5
The Flash: Terminal Velocity TPB
The Golden Age TPB
The Kingdom 1-2
The Kingdom: Kid Flash 1
The Kingdom: Nightstar 1
The Kingdom: Offspring 1
The Kingdom: Planet Krypton 1
The Kingdom: Son of the Bat 1
The Ray (Vol. 2) 0, 1
The Ray Annual 1
The Ray: In a blaze of power 1-5, Missing: 6
The Spectre (Vol. 2) 0, 1-5, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25-28, 30-32, 35, 38, 39, 44-46, 48-52, 54, 56, 57, 62; Missing: 6, 7, 10-12, 14-17, 20-23, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40-43, 47, 53, 55, 58-61
The Spectre 1995 Annual 1
Underworld Unleashed 1-2
Underworld Unleashed: Abyss- Hell's Sentinel 1
Untold Legend of The Batman TPB
Valor 17
Vigilante: 2, Missing 1, 3-6
Wonder Woman 1995 Annual 4
Wonder Woman: Callenge of Artemis TPB
Wonder Woman: The Contest TPB
World's Finest 1-2
Wrath of the Spectre 2
Zero Hour 0-4

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