Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Movie Review: Fun with Dick and Jane- 8/22/07

Synopsis: Middle-class Dick (Jim Carey) and Jane (Tea Leone) and son are leading a normal life, living in a well-to-do suburban neighborhood and trying to get the finer things in life. Neighbors have nice big houses, well-kept lawns, new luxury cars, etc. Jane struggles to do chores at home while working at a stress-inducing travel agency. Dick works for a big conglomerate firm (Ex. Enron) and gets promoted to a V.P. level and ends up having his dream job with the status, money, and notoriety he is looking for.

Dick persuades Jane to quit and become a stay at home mom. After being promoted, Dick’s company becomes embroiled in a big money-laundering scheme and the company goes out of business with the pensions of all the workers gone. Dick’s family ends up close to losing everything and turn to robbing banks and stores to pay their mortgage to prevent foreclosure. They end up doing so well that they are able to buy everything back until they decide to stop with the robbing. They then cook up a scheme to get back at Dick’s boss who swindled the money from the company and try and help the workers who lost their pensions.

While this movie was panned when it came out, I really did not find it boring or bad at all. This is a light comedy with a few laughs and chuckles throughout. Jim Carey does his usual antics and the script while not superb, brings an enjoyable story line that is easy to follow.

Score: 3 out of 5 stars.

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