Thursday, August 23, 2007

Movie Review: Wild Hogs- 8/22/07

Synopsis: John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, and William H. Macy are four middle-aged and white-collar men who enjoy their “biker club” The Wild Hogs. After Travolta’s character experiences a divorce, he get’s his three friends to go out with him on a cross-country ride to the Pacific to re-capture their wild youth since they’ve turned into the boring, lazy men they feared they have become.

After traveling the country they end up rousing a real biker gang and blowing up their bar. The Wild Hogs end up taking refuge in a small town with a cowardly sheriff & deputies. The biker gang terrorizes the town until the Wild Hogs and the town’s people fight back. The WHs finally make it to Los Angeles and embrace the fun they have had on their trip.

Another movie I was not looking forward to, but was the only new available movie at the local store. Typical male-bonding/comedy set with middle-aged actors trying to capture their youth. Macey plays the geeky guy, Lawrence the husband with the nagging wife (played by the actress who was the friend of his wife from his t.v. show Martin), Tim Allen the former bad-boy turned yuppie parent with boring dentist job, and Travolta as the well-to-do entertainment executive (I think) with super-model wife who is divorcing him and going to through a mid-life crisis. They embark on their journey and some hijinks ensues with the guys finding adventure and the geeky guy getting a girl. Same story as old, but in a fun family-friendly way and shot at a brisk enough pace where the movie really didn't drag at all.

Score: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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