Thursday, August 23, 2007

Movie Review: Fracture- 8/22/07

Synopsis: Anthony Hopkin’s character sets up a convoluted plan to escape prosecution after killing his wife and framing her lover. Fast rising attorney (Ryan Gosling) is about to leave the district attorney’s office with a 97% conviction rate and transfer to a private law firm to make more money to cover his debts but is pulled into his last case as a D.A. to prosecute Hopkins.

Comments: This is one of those films that went in and out of the theatre fast, I don’t even remember when it actually came out. The story tries to get you with a detailed plot by Hopkin’s to escape conviction even though the viewer knows he committed a crime while the D.A. is sought following pieces to try and convict Hopkins with no end in sight and road-blocked by the very crafty killer. This movie ends with one of those endings where the story continues and no final resolution is met.

Sometimes those types of endings are good, sometimes not. This movie has one of those endings that do not play well without a definitive plot conclusion since the killer had tricked and killed many people and plot lines are just left dangling. The device used to get to the near-conclusion of the story was obvious to me at the beginning and somehow did not come up until the end of the movie. Pretty long movie with two alternate endings with slight variations. Neither well.

Score: 2 out of 5 stars.

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