Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Movie Review: Step Up- 8/22/07

Synopsis: White-boy thug (aka WBT to be referred to from now on) in ghetto neighborhood with two black thug friends break into a high-class Juilard-type highschool and trash the place. WBT gets caught and is ordered to work community service by working at the school to pay back the damages. WBT we later learn is in a foster home. WBT is also a street hip-hop dancer and mops the floor of the dance classes with a cute classical trained dancer…I wonder what will happen next? Ooh the mystery!

The cute girl is an intense and snooty senior who would rather dance than apply to college and her only way out of not going to college is to win this dance competition, but her partner hurst his ankle! What now? The suspense! WBT ends up going all 'hood on her and tries to get up on her junk by practicing her dance moves with her until she can find a new partner. No new partner comes up since for some reason out of all the highly trained male dancers in this school somehow cannot lift her up or dance!? WBT ends up teaching her a hip-hop fusion of her ballet and street dance and they end up winning the competition and he transfer to her school. Oh, and one of the thug friends die. The end.

I hated this movie, and when I say hate, I mean HATE. This film didn't make sense at all. So this thug breaks and enters, trashes a school, has a long list of problems and the judge sentences him to work around other kids? I also hated the fact that the male-trained dancers, who should be able to do all kinds of moves and lifting girls should be second-hand to them, end up with so much trouble when they auditioned to practice with the lead girl after she was searching for a new partner. They were either to afraid to pick her up or didn't have moves, I mean come on, they're at a prestiguious dance school and don't know how to dance?

All the leads were unlikeable as well. WBT had no redeeming qualities, he carjacks, he breaks and enters, robs, and destroys school equipment and no respect for anything. The girl is also too aloof and doesn't exude any qualities to make the watcher feel for her. If you like watching a K-Fed wannabe hip-hop dance, then this is the movie for you, otherwise stay away!

Score: 0 out of 5 stars.

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