Thursday, August 9, 2007

Comic Book Review: Independent Publisher Comic Book Collection Listings- 8/14/07

I've decided to do an inventory of the comic books I've managed to hold on to. I used to have boxes and boxes of comic book collection amassed from jr. high through college.

I sold about 90% of them for almost nothing just because I needed room and the place I was moving into just didn’t have storage space. So I kept only the must-have series that I would keep going back to.

I now wish I kept a few additional collections, but thankfully publishers are now reprinting trade paperbacks (TPB) since that is my preferable reading material of choice.

Here is my collection from non-Marvel or D.C. comics titles. I used to have tons of Image and Valiant books, but gave those up fast when the marker went down in the late 90’s.

The main titles I will try and get are the Transformers (Dreamwave) and Robotech comics since I enjoy the artwork or continued storylines.

Independent Publisher Listings Issues
Bloodshot 1, 2
Eternal Warrior 1, 4, 5
G.I. Joe: Reborn TPB
Harbinger 0, 7-15, 24-25
Harbinger: Children of the eigth day TPB
Kabuki 1/2, 1-6
Kabuki: Circle of Blood TPB
Kabuki: Fan Edition 1
Kabuki: Masks of the Noh TPB
Macross II 1-10
Macross II: The Micron Conspiracy 3-5
Magnus Robot Fighter 5
Marshall Law: Kingdom of the Blind TPB
Rai 0, #1 companion
Robotech (Wildstorm) 0-6
Robotech: Invasion 1, 2
Robotech: Love & War 1, 2
Robotech: Sourcebook (Wildstorm) 1
Rocketeer Adventure Magazine 1-2
Shi: Fan Edition 1
Solar - Man of the Atom: Alpha and Omega TPB
Spawn 1
Star Wars: Dark Empire 1-6
Transformers (Vol. 2): War & Peace 1-6
Transformers (Vol. 3): More than meets the eye 1
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Devil's Due) 4
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Dreamwave) 1
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Image) 4
Transformers: The Age of Wrath 1-3
Transformers: The War Within TPB
Transformers: The War Within- The Dark Ages 1
Unity 0-1
Voltron (Devil's Due) 1
Wanted 1-6, dossier
Warrior Nun Areala: Book 1 1
Watchmen TPB
Wizard Magazine 11-16 & 100 most collec. comics

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